Land Protection

/L Create <Land Name>
Used to create a new land. This will claim the chunk you are currently standing in as the first part of your new land. "<Land Name>" Should be replaced with the name you wish your new land to have.
Additional Information:
You can use "F3+G" to show chunk boarders.
/L claim
Used to claim the chunk you are currently standing in for the land you have selected. You can use "/L Edit <Land name>" first to select the land if you own more than one.
Additional Information:
You can use "F3+G" to show chunk boarders.
Chunk claim costs for that land will increase by 8% for each new chunk you add to that land.
Chunk claim costs are per-land and will only increase on the land that you added the chunk to.
/L unclaim
Used to Unclaim the chunk you are currently standing in for the land you have selected. You can use "/L Edit <Land Name>" first to select the land if you own more than one.
Additional Information:
You can use "F3+G" to show chunk boarders.
You will not be refunded the cost of claiming that chunk.
/L delete <land name>
Used to completely remove a land, replace "<Land Name>" with the land you wish to remove.
Additional Information:
You will not be refunded any money for doing this.
/L trust <Username> <area|*>
Used to add a player to the selected land, use "/L Edit <Land Name>" first to select a land. You have the option of specifying a land area, or using the asterisk * to trust a player to all areas. By default, newly added users will be put in the "Member" role. You can change their role by using "/L Setrole <Username> <Role name>". You can create and edit roles by using "/L" and navigating to "Roles > Role Name", you may need to click your land first if you own more than one.
Additional Information:
The default roles available are: Member, Admin and Owner.
Players will need to use "/L Accept <Land Name>" to accept the invite.
/L untrust
Used to remove a player from the selected land, use "/L Edit <Land Name>" first to select a land.
Additional Information:
/L leave <Land name>
Used to leave a land that you are a member of.
Additional Information:
/L invites
Used to open the invites GUI, this will show you all lands that you have been invited to.
Additional Information:
This can also be used to accept/deny an invite.
/L Deny <land name>
Used to deny a land invite.
Additional Information:
This can also be done in "/L Invites" GUI.
/L accept <land name>
Used to Accept a land invite.
Additional Information:
This can also be done in "/L Invites" GUI.
/L setrole <Username> <role name>
Used to change the role of a player in your land. If you have more than one land, you will need to use "/L edit <Land Name>" first.
Additional Information:
You can edit available roles in "/L" under "Roles > Role Name".
/L edit <land name>
Used to select a land for editing. This will set the land as the default land to be used with all other land related commands
Additional Information:
Forgetting to use this may result in changes being made to the wrong land.
​Only used when you own more than one land.
/L ban <username>
Used to ban a player from your selected land. Use "/L edit <Land Name>" first to select a land.
Additional Information:
Banned players will not be able to enter the land or become members.
Banned players will lose their roles inside the land if they had any.
/L unban <username>
Used to unban a player from your selected land. Use "/L edit <Land Name>" first to select a land.
Additional Information:
If the player was a member of the land before the ban, you will need to add them back if you wish.
/L view
Used to see the borders of the land you are currently standing in.
Additional Information:
The borders will vanish on their own after a while.
/L map
Used to see claimed chunks in the area you are standing in.
Additional Information:
/L info <land name>
Used to see information about a land.
Additional Information:
This includes the creation date and members list.
/L menu
Used to open the lands GUI. This can be used to edit almost everything about your lands, roles and members.
Additional Information:
This should be used instead of commands once you get the hang of it.
/L rename <new name>
Used to rename the land you have selected. Use "/L Edit <Land Name>" first to select a land.
Additional Information:
If you only have one land, skip the "/l Edit <Land Name>" step.
/L setspawn
Used to set the "/L Spawn" location for the land you are currently standing in.
Additional Information:
Members of your land can use this to teleport to the land.
/L spawn <land name>
Used to teleport to a land that you are a member of.
Additional Information:
Members of your land can use this to teleport to the land.
/L selection
Used to select an area within a land for use with "Land Areas". You can create and manage land areas in the "/L" GUI.
Additional Information:
Land areas can be used to setup separate permissions for that area within the land itself.
/L rent <cancel | info | remove>
Used to manage lands that you have up for rent.
Additional Information:
You can learn more about land renting here.
settings & limits:
All players
64 Areas per land.
64 Chunks per land.
5 Owned lands max.
25 Roles per land.
100 Members per land.
Ability to join other 100 lands.
First land free to create.
​First 2 chunks free to claim.
Land settings:
Entity griefing.
Leaf decay.
Piston griefing.
Snow melt.
TNT griefing.
Imperial Rank
7 Owned lands max.
Additional Information:
Sovereign rank
10 Owned lands max.
Additional Information:
Celestial rank
128 Chunks per land.
15 Owned lands max.
Land settings:
Fire spread.
Monster spawn.
Plant growth.
Animal spawn.
Advanced 1st prestige rank
20 Owned lands max.
Additional Information:
overlord 1st prestige rank
25 Owned lands max.
Additional Information:
celestial 1st prestige rank
30 Owned lands max.
Additional Information: